Sunday, October 24, 2010

Community Service at the MV Food Bank

The boys had the opportunity to participate in a wonderful 'giving' project on September 29th.  There is a relatively new program in the Kent School District that helps to supply food to children who qualify for a free and/or reduced lunch during the school week.  A lot of times these children don't have enough to eat at home, so backpacks are filled with food for them to take home for the weekend.  A well-fed child makes a much more successful student!  The children are given the full backpacks on a Friday and they must return them the following Monday if they want to continue to receive the food-filled backpacks for the following week.  It was awesome for our boys to help serve their community and we look forward to doing it again in the spring!  
An assembly line was set up and the boys were instructed to take a few items from each section to fill their packs.
Thank you to Ellen Shelden (Wolf Mom) for arranging this awesome community service project for our Pack!

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