Saturday, February 27, 2010

Blue & Gold Ceremony 2010

Our crazy wolves attended their second Blue and Gold ceremony on Thursday evening.  This is a ceremony that celebrates the anniversary of Scouting (100 years old this year!) and also celebrates the 5th grade boys moving up to Boy Scout Troops.  Our squirrely boys chowed down on tacos and cake and received a few segments (tree pick-up, canned food drive & crafts) to add to their circles.
The boys received their awards for the Pinewood Derby during this event.  Noah took first in the whole Pack!  Connor took second and Eric took third within our Den.
Traditionally, each den is responsible for making their own table centerpieces, so we made Can Lumineries.  The boys made patterns on paper and then transferred them to the can.  Then they punched holes with hammer and nail into the frozen can (they were filled with ice).
Travis Rogers was chosen to shoot the arrows during the Arrow of Light ceremony.  He shot an arrow for each boy who was transitioning from 2nd year Webelos (cub scouts) to Boy Scouts.
Connor Riley posing with mom and dad during the Arrow of Light Ceremony.

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