Monday, November 23, 2009

2009 Fall Food Drive

I was so proud of our whole Den this past Saturday. We had all nine of our boys turn out for the fall food drive! Our Den always has such a good showing at our Pack events! Thank you so much to all of our awesome parents for helping to make this another succesful event. Our Pack collected 1640 pounds of food that we donated to Northwest Harvest. I was worried that we were really going to be low on our donation this year compared to last year, but we didn't miss it by much!! Last year I believe we collected about 1800 pounds, so great job to all involved!

Group photo of all who participated picking up food in Crest Air Park (Anna McClure is the photographer). Eric and Sean aren't in this photo because they were helping out the Tiger Cubs in Lake Winterwood because they only had two cubs to do that whole neighborhood! Great job Eric!

Each of the boys helped transfer the collected food from the McClure's truck to the Deti's truck, so we could drive it down to Northwest Harvest. They all worked really hard... those bags were really heavy!

Den One posing with loads of food.

More help transferring the bags...

Collecting bags takes team effort!

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