Friday, June 8, 2012

Bike Rodeo 2012

Pack 461 held its Second Annual Bike Rodeo at the Sumner BMX track again.  It's such an awesome place to hold a bike rodeo.  The boys get a lot of track time and a little bit of bike education.  This year they ran a course where they had to follow the traffic signs (yield, stop, railroad, etc.).  We also added a 'Control' course where they had to go as slow as possible without putting their feet down.  The last course was one in which they had to weave in and out of cones. The boys had a great time!









Saturday, June 2, 2012

Engineering Badge (Part Two) & Box Oven Cookies!

We finished our first year of Webelos by completing our Engineering Badge at our last Den Meeting of the school year this past Friday.  I honestly think that this was one of the boys favorite meetings.  Not that any of the boys actually told me that.  I'm strictly basing that statement on the fact that I heard a lot of laughter!  A big thank you to Eric's dad, Sean, for leading the meeting!
One of the requirements was that the boys had to make durable popsicle stick bridges. 
Eric and Connor made amazing suspension bridges and a most of the other boys made trestle bridges.

Then we decided to see how much weight each bridge could take.

I was really impressed with how the majority of the bridges held up to the weight of a
couple of bricks and two ten-pound weights!

For the gathering activity I had the boys break up into two teams of five to engineer a structure
made from dried spaghetti noodles and marshmallows.  I got the idea of of Pinterest.  The goal was to see
which team of scouts could build the taller tower.  I thought the boys would totally get into this activity,
but one team had more fun throwing the marshmallows at the opposing team!

Sean gave a Boeing Engineering Power Point to the boys.  Here he is discussing the
foundation of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. 

Jane brought her Box Oven and we made chocolate chip cookies in the garage.

Here's a close-up of the almost-done-cookies.  This was so fun for the boys to see this process!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

May Den Meeting: Engineering Badge

It was a beautiful day for our den meeting, so I decided to hold it outside. We worked a little on the Athlete Badge, but mostly focused on the Engineering Badge. This badge is probably going to take two or three meetings for us to finish!   
The boys started off the meeting making flower pots for Mother's Day.

They each picked out the flower they wanted and put them in these cute pots that I picked up for .25 each!

Den Chief Benjamin assisting Liam and Eric.

The boys had a huge case of the wiggles, so we squeezed in time for a 1/4 mile run which is part of the Athlete Badge.

Then we started in on our Engineering Badge. We discussed four types of bridges and what makes them strong.

The boys each chose a different type of bridge to build: Suspension, Arch, Truss, & Beam.

I thought that we would have time to just about complete these bridges, but we got no where near to finishing. So, they went home as homework for the June meeting!

These crazy boys love their moms!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Cake Auction 2012

The cake auction is always a fun event.  I'm always amazed at the creativity of all of the scouts!  I was a bit disorganized on this evening, so I wasn't very good about tracking who brought what.  We raised $127 in ticket sales!
Not sure who made this one... I just thought it was cute.

Reid Shelden (Bear) made this cool Lego cake.

I took this photo upside down because at the time I didn't know what it was.  A scout told me that it was a tie-dye shirt.

This volcano cake was very popular!

Another super creative creation from Hayyan!

I think this was made by Noah.

Liam made this Mine Craft pig!

Luke made a bucket of popcorn!

All ten scouts posing with their 'Scouting for Food' badges.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Blue & Gold Ceremony 2012

Our Blue & Gold Ceremony was held on Thursday, February 23rd at the Maple Valley Community Center.  It was a really nice evening which I've captured in lots of photos! I can't believe it's going to be our turn to host this event next year!
I thought the Arrow of Light awards turned out really cool.

The theme of this event was trains.  This is the centerpiece that the 2nd year Webelos made.

This was the centerpiece that the Tigers made.

The 2nd year Webelos set up a great display of past achievements.

More achievements, crafts, & camp projects.

Each table was labeled for the appropriate Den.

Nick and Hunter received a special award for winning an Orienteering Event that had taken place in October.

Showing off their new compasses.
Liam received his Pinewood Derby trophy on this night as well. 

 I forced each of the boys to let me hug them and have it captured on film.  Some were more comfortable with it than others!  :)  Not sure how I missed Eric and Mathew...








Our fearless Leader, Ken Montry, finished up his duties as Cub Master at this meeting.  This was his last official night as our Cub Master.  He did an amazing job over the past couple of years.  He implemented so many improvements to our Pack and he definitely raised the standards!  He will be missed!